In the Night garden is a BBC Children series that features characters such as Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka, the Tombliboos, the Pontipines / the Wottingers, the Haahoos, the Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk. This series is aimed for children between the age of 1-6 yrs. This is a great concept for a birthday party. Polkadotcelebrations were lucky to have executed a wonderful In the Night Garden theme party for a mother of a 2 yr old in Gurgaon.
What we loved!
- The gorgeous and magical cake table. All kids were excited upon seeing the table.
- Lots of bubble fun….to add to the magic we had lots and lots of bubbles. The kids couldn’t get enough of this!!
Here is some snapshots of the party…